Kindergarten/1st Grade

(5-6 Years Old Transition Program)


By the age of 6, a child is ready to understand many things in the abstract, and to organize knowledge in a personal way.  From the child’s direct experience with concrete materials comes understanding. Out of understanding comes abstraction and deduction. In our Kindergarten/1st Grade Program, children focus and excel in the joy of learning and are encouraged to reach their full potential. The Montessori “cosmic curriculum” includes Language and Mathematics; from concrete to abstract. Cultural subjects include Botany, Zoology, History, Science, Geography, Art/Art History and Music.

With primary basics, children develop greater fluency and understanding in reading, writing and math. Here, the Montessori child experiences it all – individual learning, social interaction and a oneness with the natural environment!


Enrichment Activities

(Enriched Activities Included in the Curriculum at No Additional Cost!)



Our music program develops children’s awareness and love of music through singing, movement, and listening. Our curriculum includes basic theory, history, appreciation and performance.

Foreign Language

Learning a foreign language plays an important part of the Montessori experience. The children learn vocabulary and conversational skills through singing and games. Twice a week, our Language teacher provides the children with stimulating materials from flash cards to work sheets.


The foundation for art and drawing is the same as that for writing: exercises that develop the muscles of the fingers and hands for holding pencils and making controlled movements. In addition, the development of the senses through the sensorial exercises aids the child’s awareness and artistic appreciation of his environment. Montessori’s method to the arts is a good example of her indirect approach to learning, which leads to increased creativity.

Physical Fitness

We realize the importance and necessity of physical fitness as part of every child’s well being. Children enjoy creative movement and are offered lots of opportunity for a wide variety of physical skills such as bicycling, throwing and catching a ball, balancing on a beam, running, climbing, dancing, marching, etc.